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They are nice, the breakaways. approx. 20 km north of Coober Pedy
But, it is an opalfield, the miners changed the landscape...
And what is down there?
Lets have a look....
Looks like work...
Hard work, even!
Opal, thats what we look for!
Lets go home, then.....
And what is not found in the mine, the noodling machine will find it on the surface.
nice view from my hill...
big frontyard....
cool rooms...

Opal has to be sold, can`t eat it.

(a friendly neighbour behind me..)

Let`s go to Lambina, 200ks up the road...me driving
with a friend,
rough roads here...
sometimes over 100 tonnes, better get out of the way
Lets build a camp!
and have a beer!
in a nice landscape.
Then, we make a big hole...
and if the ground is not willing....
we make a nice, big bang!
Bad luck...
obvious, isn`t it?
The End
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